Forever Scrambled: Persistence of Informal Institutions within Partitioned Groups
Arcangelo Dimico (Queen’s University of Belfast)
Presenter: Arcangelo Dimico
Discussant: Danila Serra
Does Social Judgement Diminish Rule Breaking?
Timothy C. Salmon and Danila Serra (Southern Methodist University)
Presenter: Danila Serra
Discussant: Arcangelo Dimico
The Slave Trade and Polygyny in Africa
Lena Edlund (Columbia University) and Hyejin Ku (University College London)
Presenter: Hyejin Ku
Discussant: Paolo Pinotti
The Political Legacy of Commercial Television: Evidence from the Rise (and Fall) of Berlusconi
Ruben Durante (Sciences Po), Paolo Pinotti (Bocconi University), and Andrea Tesei (Queen Mary University)
Presenter: Paolo Pinotti
Discussant: Hyejin Ku
Keeping Politicians on Their Toes: Does the Way Parties Select Candidates Matter?
Benoit S Y Crutzen (Eramus School of Economics)
Presenter: Benoit S Y Crutzen
Discussant: Ivan Lyubimov
Mechanical and Psychological Effects of Electoral Reform
Jon H. Fiva (BI Norwegian Business School) and Olle Folke (Columbia University)
Presenter: Jon H. Fiva
Discussant: Federico Revelli
Tax limits and local democracy
Federico Revelli (University of Torino)
Presenter: Federico Revelli
Discussant: Jon H. Fiva
Extractive Institutions, Closed Borders and Economic Development
Ivan Lyubimov (Tinbergen Institute, Erasmus School of Economics)
Presenter: Ivan Lyubimov
Discussant: Benoit Crutzen
Policy Uncertainty and Investment in Low-Carbon Technology
Silvia Albrizio and Hélia Costa (European University Institute)
Presenter: Hélia Costa
Discussant: Nuno Limão
Economic Policy Uncertainty, Trust and Inflation Expectations
Klodiana Istrefi and Anamaria Piloiu (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Presenter: Anamaria Piloiu
Discussant: Brandon Julio
Policy Uncertainty, Irreversibility, and Cross-Border Flows of Capital
Brandon Julio (London Business School) and Youngsuk Yook (Sungkyunkwan University)
Presenter: Brandon Julio
Discussant: Anamaria Piloiu
Policy Uncertainty, Trade and Welfare: Theory and Evidence for China
Kyle Handley (University of Michigan) and Nuno Limão (University of Maryland)
Presenter: Nuno Limão
Discussant: Hélia Costa
The Communication Potential Index in Sub-Saharan Africa – an alternative and/or complementary diversity measure
Katalin Buzasi (Utrecht University)
Presenter: Katalin Buzasi
Discussant: Gunes Gokmen
Cultural Diversity as a Barrier to Riches
Gunes Gokmen (Bocconi University)
Presenter: Gunes Gokmen
Discussant: Katalin Buzasi
Optimal Patronage
Mikhail Drugov (Carlos III University)
Presenter: Mikhail Drugov
Discussant: Alexei Zakharov
Genetic Factors and Preferences for Redistribution
Alexei Zakharov (Higher School of Economics, Moscow) and Eduard Ponarin (Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg)
Presenter: Alexei Zakharov
Discussant: Mikhail Drugov
Employment Duration and Shifts into Retirement in the EU
Ted Aranki (European Central Bank) and Corrado Macchiarelli (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Presenter: Corrado Macchiarelli
Discussant: Álvaro Novo
Paying for others’ protection: Causal evidence on wages in a two-tier system
Mário Centeno (Bank of Portugal and ISEG-UTL and IZA) and Álvaro A. Novo (Bank of Portugal and U. Lusófona and IZA)
Presenter: Álvaro Novo
Discussant: Christine Laabsch
The Effects of Dismissal Protection on the Hazard of Remaining Employed
Christine Laabsch (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg)
Presenter: Christine Laabsch
Discussant: António Antunes
The Effects of Credit Subsidies on Development
António Antunes (Bank of Portugal), Tiago Cavalcanti (University of Cambridge and PIMES-UFPE) and Anne Villamil (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and University of Manchester)
Presenter: António Antunes
Discussant: Mário Centeno